The 7 steps of SGE for a good consultancy Marcela Ivankovich

1. Training: Transmit to the members of the organization the basic concepts of the system or the systems to design and implement. Beside the concepts, it is important to transmit the benefits that can be obtained, the responsibilities of every involved person and the compromise with quality, the laws and the country in general.

2. Diagnosis: Inside the organization there are elements that have been transmitted using verbal communication or another channel of informal communication. Many of these elements are useful but they need to be properly documented to become official. Because of that an evaluation is needed to identify the actual situation of the organization related to good practices.

3. Documentation: The processes to document have to be defined. Inside the processes also are defined the elements likes: entries, activities with added value, controls, interactions and exits. To make the mentioned documentation, formats, responsibilities and formal channels of communication have to be defined previously.

4. Validation: It is very important that the “owners” of the processes can validate the applicability of the documents to the everyday tasks and the reality of the organization. Otherwise, adjustments have to be made to get that congruence between the documents and what the people in the company do.

5. Implementation: Personnel are trained about the use of the documents and the company generates the conditions to make the operations following the instructions in them. When we talk about documents, we include: manuals, procedures, instructions, forms and others.

6. Audit: This is a fundamental tool for continuous improvement. Based on the results, improvement opportunities are identified and the corrective and preventive actions are planned and executed.

7. Corrective actions: Correct, not only the situation, also determinate the root causes to eradicate completely the incompletion and deficiency.


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